How HBOT Helped a Chronic Pain Patient

Michelle, a 37-year-old digital artist in San Francisco, was referred to Holistic Hyperbarics in 2018. Michelle has Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), a genetic connective tissue disorder that causes chronic joint pain, poor wound healing, and other issues (1) She was referred to us by a friend with hEDS who we successfully treated. Michelle also struggled with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in her foot, which was exacerbated by poor blood flow. Before learning about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), Michelle had been to multiple doctors and tried multiple treatments for her foot. Her doctors told her she was out of options; the next step was amputation. Instead, she came to us, and we saved her foot. 

Michelle has been a patient of ours for over two years, and has seen us at three different locations as we’ve grown and expanded. “HH has always been such a welcoming place. The plants and comfortable chairs feel so much like a spa. The plants make it feel so luxurious.” At Holistic Hyperbarics, we strive to do more than simply help you heal. We also want you to have a relaxing, spa-like experience during your treatment. Michelle says of our facility: “The chambers are very comfortable and I love all the pillows and soft blankets. It feels like being held in a womb-like, healing environment. Everyone has been very nice and helpful. The employees always add to the spa-like feeling.” 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing 100% infused oxygen inside a pressurized chamber. This enables oxygen to reach every part of the body, where it both repairs damaged cells and encourages new cellular growth (2). At the same time, HBOT promotes circulation and stem cell growth, which reduces inflammation, and supports the immune system (2). For decades, HBOT has proven effective for treating a multitude of medical conditions, including diabetic ulcers, bone infections, and radiation injury (3). Studies have also shown promising results in treating CRPS, wound healing, and healing sports injuries

HBOT has improved circulation in and to Michelle’s foot, enabling it to heal and preventing it from being amputated. HBOT also reduces the widespread inflammation in her body that is caused by hEDS, reducing her chronic pain and improving her body’s general healing. Michelle told us: “Getting in the chamber makes my tattoos and injuries heal in half the normal time.”  Like many with hEDS, MIchelle struggles to get deep, restorative sleep. She likes to joke that her time in the chamber is so relaxing that it’s her version of healing deep sleep.  

Michelle’s experience with HH has made her an HBOT evangelist. “I feel like HBOT gives me a superpower. If I lost access to it, I would go back to not being able to heal well. My circulation would get bad again, my pain would increase and my foot bones would swell and fracture again.” We are so happy we have been able to provide so much relief, and we look forward to treating Michelle for years to come. 

Michelle urges you to get in touch with us if you’re curious about HBOT. Her advice to new and prospective patients is: “Just relax and enjoy. Don't be nervous. It's so easy to talk to the HH employees while in the chamber, so you don't need to worry about feeling cut off.” 

If you are seeking new treatments for hEDS, CRPS, or chronic pain, we are here to support you. Our state-of-the art spa features knowledgeable staff, a relaxing environment, and comfortable hyperbaric chambers. We’d love to answer your questions about chronic pain and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Give us a call today



 1. Staff, Mayo Clinic. “Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 16 Oct. 2020,

2. Staff, Mayo Clinic. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 12 Jan. 2018,

3. Staff, IHAUSA. “Anti Aging.” International Hyperbarics Association, International Hyperbarics Association, 2020,  

Rachel G