A Guide to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: What Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Do

We have put this guide to hyperbaric oxygen therapy together to answer the frequently asked question: what does hyperbaric oxygen therapy do? Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy is the administration of highly concentrated oxygen with a pressure higher than normal everyday atmosphere  pressure. This highly pressurized oxygen is used to treat and manage various diseases. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT is great to treat fertility issues, sudden hearing loss, carbon monoxide poisoning, brain and stroke injuries, wound and plastic surgery recovery and more. Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy was first dabbled in as far back as the 1600s. However clinical studies did not happen until the United States Navy started doing research in the 1930s. The US Navy used Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy to cure decompression sickness, and it worked. 

The goal of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is to introduce higher concentration of oxygen into the lungs. Oxygen saturation is maintained by the amount of air pressure in the chamber. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBot) uses the increased pressure of normal air to saturate dead tissues with fresh oxygen rich tissues. Inhaled oxygen is more effective than plain air because of its greater rate of absorption.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Hbot) is administered on an outpatient basis under relaxing conditions. At Holistic Hyperbarics, our patients recline in a chamber that contains the requisite high pressured oxygen. Normally, there are minimal effects upon the patient's consciousness. As the chamber is pressurized some patients experience slight pressure change in their ears. This discomfort is reduced with the supplied chewing gum. 

Normal treatment includes the maintenance of arterial pressure, which allows for the exchange of carbon dioxide with oxygen in the blood. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood by introducing pure oxygen at very high pressure into the lungs. When a patient’s lungs are exposed to pressurized pure oxygen, their lungs are able to get much more oxygen. The bloodstream absorbs more oxygen and this is good for the body. According to the Mayo Clinic: When your blood carries this extra oxygen throughout your body, this helps reduce the prevalence of bacteria and simultaneously releases growth factors and stem cells that shorten the time for healing. This causes the body to release large amounts of water into the air, causing the patient to breathe easier and more fully.

After receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy, patients generally experience a decrease in feelings of fatigue, and the ability to breathe much easier. These benefits are because hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the body’s ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to damaged tissues to promote healing.  Any area of the body that needs a boost gets it with this therapy. This therapy even provides healing to those areas that were damaged by the extreme physical activity (i.e. athlete's training.) Many athletes find this therapy very helpful after sustaining an injury to the leg, as it allows for increased blood flow to the injured area. After receiving this therapy, it may be necessary for athletes to take Vitamin E to improve the health of their circulation, as vitamin E is necessary for the production of new blood vessels.  We give all patients who use the therapy vitamins and water after treatment as they metabolize the bounty of oxygen that their bodies just received.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be administered in a number of different environments, depending on the need. For example, some patients have undergone this treatment in chambers, while others have taken part in dry restful hibernation. At Holistic Hyperbarics, this therapy is administered in clean, sterile chambers in a wellness spa environment were you get blankets, chewing gum, a walkie talkie, eye pillows, and regular pillows so that you can rest, relax and recharge in the best environment for your 90 minute therapy session.  After receiving the treatment, most individuals report a feeling of well-being and a renewed sense of energy. If you like what you have read, please contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

Alexandra Williams